Success stories
Here are some examples of our many success stories:
The County Administrative Board of Västmanland (LSTU) was granted 10 million Euro from the LIFE IP program to instigate and support a wide arrange of measures, with the aim of catalysing and contributing to the full implementation of the strategy (RBMP-PoM) targeting good water quality for the water sources in the region. The project will also help realise the goals of the European Union environmental objectives set up by the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) striving for good status of all waters.
Svenska Aerogel AB was granted 1 million Euro from Horizon 2020 and the SME instrument (phase 2) for a project where they, together with four (4) potential (existing and future) customers will demonstrate and qualify a unique aerogel-type material (Quartzene®) in an operational environment (TRL 7-9), thereby proving both the possible use of the nano-material in insulation and the manufacturing process. This will be done by scaling up the process, and allowing the 4 users to test Quartzene® on a tonne scale. By the end of the project, Quartzene® will be at TRL9 (i.e. actual system proven in operational environment and ready for competitive manufacturing).
European Spallation Source (ESS) was granted 19 million Euro from Horizon 2020 to one of the largest science and technology infrastructure projects being built today in Europe. The facility design and construction includes the most powerful linear proton accelerator ever built, a 4-tonne, helium-cooled tungsten target wheel, 22 state-of-the-art neutron instruments, a suite of laboratories, and a supercomputing data management and software development centre.
NGSE AB was granted 50 000 Euro from Horizon 2020 and the SME instrument (phase 1) to prepare for the market launch of the world´s first, fully automatic, battery powered aircraft washing robot. The project also aimed to identify suitable locations at 3 to 5 different airports within the EU (i.e. operational environment) where the robot was to be tested by potential customers in real life conditions.
SCiBreak AB was granted 800 000 Euro from KIC InnoEnergy to test and validate a highly innovative concept for DC breaker for HVDC grids and put in place a corresponding folder of intellectual properties, in order to be able to sublicense the concept to several interested manufacturers after the project. The coordinator (SCiBreak AB) is a spin-off from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm Sweden (KTH) that has developed a unique ultra-fast circuit breaker for medium and high voltage, based on a groundbreaking concept that enables the interruption of fault currents in both AC and DC grids in a few milliseconds.
Scandinavian Biogas Fuel AB was granted 1.8 million Euro from LIFE ENV to build and operate the first ever demonstration plant that substantially increases the biogas potential from wastewater generated within the pulp and paper industry, and at the same time lowers electricity consumption by 50%. The project will introduce an innovative process at pilot scale, by modifying the aerobic bio-treatment for increased production of waste sludge.
Scania CV AB, together with a consortium of international partners, were granted 3.4 million Euro from the European Framework Program for R&D (FP7) to identify means of applying the platooning concept in practice in daily transport operations. The project focused on the development of a real-time coordination system to dynamically create, maintain and dissolve platoons, according to a decision-making mechanism, taking into account historical and real-time information about the state of the infrastructure (traffic, weather, etc.).
Stena Metall AB was granted 2.2 million Euro to demonstrate how two waste streams from incineration plants, fly ash and liquid, can be co-treated to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. The project will demonstrate how the process can be integrated into existing incineration plants so that it can be replicated throughout the EU waste industry.
Kalmar Municipality was granted 1.9 million Euro to demonstrate a cost-effective and ecologically sustainable process for retrieving and recycling sediments in shallow eutrophic waters. Such a move will contribute to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, which both aim to achieve a good status for all European coastal waters.
Båstad Municipality and Gaia Biomaterials were granted 1.3 million Euro to demonstrate an innovative 100% ‘fossil-free’ biomaterial, Biodolomer®, which can replace plastic in product packaging. This new material can be treated as organic waste through energy recovery/ incineration, organic recycling/composting and material recycling, thus avoiding landfilling and upgrading management practice to comply with the waste hierarchy established by the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC).
Nordic Ground Support Equipment AB was granted 190 000 Euro to develop the world’s first High speed Anti-icing System; a machine that automatically applies an anti-icing fluid on moving high speed trains. It will lead to a reduction of 80% fewer ice projectiles and 50% less component damage under the wagons, increase savings with regards to de-icing (50-100% less de-icing), and significantly reduce delays and cancellations (which today costs the European society more than a billion euros a year).
Alfa Laval AB was granted 1.3 million Euro demonstrate and evaluate a new, innovative continuous ejection technology, based on a new method of expelling sludge from a separator. The system was not expected to require any process water and therefore the sludge was to be concentrated and dry, with the result that more than 90% of the waste oil could be reused. The volume of oil going for incineration should then have been reduced, which was in line with the objectives of the Directive for the Disposal of Waste Oils (75/439/EEC).
ClimateWell AB was granted 1.8 million Euro to demonstrate the company’s patented solar thermal collectors with a zero electricity heat pump and energy storage for sustainable heating and cooling. A complete and fully functional SunCool installation was made at Löfberg Lila’s warehouse in Karlstad, Sweden.
Vafab Miljö AB together with a number of partners were granted 1.6 million Euro to foster the development of Bio Methane (BM) as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. The project objective was to evaluate different forms of waste to identify the most efficient means for obtaining biogas.
Xylophane AB was granted 1.6 million Euro to demonstrate the suitability of a new patented material, ‘Xylophane’, as a barrier material in food packaging. Xylophane is based on xylan, which is a natural polysaccharide derived from agricultural by-products (grain husks) and is therefore renewable and biodegradable. Project activities included the construction of a prototype pilot plant that will serve as a model for future full-scale plants in Europe.
Södra Skogsägarna was granted 2.1 million Euro to successfully demonstrate the production of 3D formed fibre-composite products based on an innovative and green material called DuraPulp, through the use of Airlaid conversion technology. Project activities aimed to validate the market potential using commercial reference products with chosen potential customers and actors in the value chain.
SAKAB was granted 1.5 million Euro to demonstrate the recycling of filter cakes used in the steel industry, which are commonly considered as a toxic and non-recyclable hazardous waste. The project will demonstrate how this hazardous waste can be transformed into a valuable and useful commodity. The pilot recycling plant, which will be constructed and tested during the project, will be mobile in order to facilitate technological demonstration to identified European target groups.
Business Region Göteborg, Volvo PV AB etc were granted 1.5 million Euro to demonstrate a pilot fleet of innovative public transport vehicles (buses) that combine outstanding performance with low-energy consumption. This will be achieved by introducing hybrid buses with a newly developed plug-in technology, which makes it possible to electrify a major part of the city bus lines. The project will demonstrate that this technology can contribute to reducing harmful emissions from European city public transport systems.
The Municipality of Lerum were granted 570 000 Euro to demonstrate innovative noise barriers that produce solar energy for distribution to local district heating systems. The project activities included a demonstration of an optimal design for noise barriers with solar heat production, adapted to both road and rail environments. The objective was to complete testing and demonstration of the technical solutions in a pilot-scale facility along a stretch of the main western railway line and the E20 motorway through Lerum that are known to be exposed to noise.
Recyctec AB was granted 600 000 Euro to demonstrate how large volumes of hazardous ethylene glycol waste can be recycled into near-virgin quality glycol. The project aimed to develop a complete and fully functional pilot plant containing the ethylene glycol purification technology developed by the beneficiary at laboratory scale. This technology will purify glycol from waste by evaporating its water content at all stages of the process.
St1 Refinery AB was granted 1.7 million Euro to demonstrate and promote the conversion of industrial food waste into ethanol for use as a renewable fuel in the transport sector. The objective was to verify a new way of how to provide a sustainable solution for the management of industrial food waste, while also contributing to the reduction of the EU’s dependence on fossil fuels, thereby helping to reduce GHG emissions.
Energikontor Sydost was granted 1.4 million Euro to demonstrate six different types of small-scale biomass CHP technology. The reason was that Biomass combustion based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) technologies have great potential to reduce CO2 emissions because they use renewable energy sources, such as wood fuels or sawdust. The knowledge gained will be disseminated on a regional, national and European level.
Exeger Ltd, demonstration of a new method for production of Grätzel solar cells – 17,5 million SEK in EU funding.
Karolinska Institutet, European research network in the field of food safety – 130 million SEK in EU funding.
Green Cargo Ltd, investment in new engines for diesel powered trains (T44) – 40 million SEK from Swedish funding programme.
Swedish telecom company, establishing business in the Balkans – 200 million SEK in tax incentives.
Alfa Laval Ltd, demonstration of a new centri- fugal separator technology for oily waste volume reduction in the shipping and mechanical industries – 13 million SEK in EU funding.
Ericsson Ltd, market validation of technology for mobile health checks – 12 million SEK in EU funding.
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, pilot project demonstrating a method for aera- tion of oxygen depleted bottom water layers in the Baltic Sea – 6,5 million SEK in EU funding.
ÄFAB, feasibility study regarding the establish- ment of a trading house for bioenergy in the USA – 250 000 SEK from a Nordic funding programme.
Mantacore Ltd, establishment and startup of IT services in Serbia – 750 000 SEK from a Swedish funding programme.
DuoCort Ltd, development of a new treatment method for serious allergic reactions – 3,5 million SEK from Vinnova.
Samarkand2015, research project concerning electromagnetic terrorism – 7 million SEK in EU funding.
Renova Ltd, demonstration of a new waste management system – 12 million SEK in EU funding.
M2 Engineering Ltd, test of a new technology for production of solar cells – 26 million SEK in EU funding.
Skånefrö Ltd, test of a new method for recycling of agricultural waste – 11 million SEK in EU funding.
Svenska Retursystem Ltd, test of a new reusable system for boxes and pallets in the convenience goods trade – 18 million SEK in EU funding.
Ålö Ltd, investment in a new production facility – 12 million SEK from a Swedish regional funding programme.
Packetfront Sweden Ltd, feasibility study regar- ding the establishment of a subsidiary in Japan – 350 000 SEK from a Nordic funding programme.
Folkuniversitetet, feasibility study regarding the establishment of a subsidiary in St. Petersburg – 600 000 SEK from a Nordic funding programme.
Västerviks Kraft, test of a new concept for Inter- net distribution – 900 000 SEK in EU funding.
Scancem Ltd, new plant for sustainable concrete production – 2 million SEK from Swedish and EU funding programmes.
The Story Lab, development of an IT-system for interactive participant culture – 2 million SEK from Vinnova.
Acosense Ltd, development of a measuring instrument for complex fluids in the process industry – 1,6 million SEK from Vinnova.
Schneider-Electric Ltd, business and competence development – 600 000 SEK in EU funding.
Gröna Lund, Bonnier, McDonalds etc, skill development studies – 10 million SEK in EU funding.
County Councils in Blekinge and Örebro, analysis of EU strategies and policy on public funding.
Karlstad University, training on public funding and EU project management.
NASDAQ OMX, analysis on EU and public funding for a large scale IT project.
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in Great Britain, advice on the development of a national public funding program.